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Service to War Veterans

Sponsor a Child's Education

At Metro Dynamix, we strongly believe that sponsoring a child’s education not only elevates the child’s quality of life but also plays a vital role in developing our community. Providing quality education to a child definitely has a formative effect on how he/she thinks, feels or acts. This in turn enable us to nurture an informed community.


The objective of our club is to successfully design, implement, monitor and evaluate our education sponsorship programs after clearly weighing the child’s requirements towards his/her education. Our club has clearly envisioned to support not only their monetary needs but also their materialistic, emotional and placement needs thereby helping the child to evolve holistically and lead a quality life.


Our club, Metro Dynamix has been looking to launch our debut project in alignment with the objective of our club this year to educate and empower women. We identified a great opportunity to lead and adopt a similar project as that of our sponsor club, Rotary club of metropolis who have been working on a project with similar but at a larger scale objective of sponsoring education for 40 deserving students from Women’s Polytechnic College,Coimbatore.

Our Club has taken up the sponsorship of three such candidates from Women’s Polytechnic College. The criteria which we had set to identify the candidates were:

1. Economically deserving students.
2. Fair academic performance.
3. Good conduct certificate provided by the Institute.
4. Students from the Final year of college.


The three identified students will be sponsored their tuition fees, examination fees and boarding fees.

The sponsorship amount will cover their fees from Dec 2020 to April 2021.

This will be an ongoing project with the incoming office bearers next year continuing the project to enable career support for the beneficiaries.

Our club looks forward to the launch of this project and many more socially responsible projects on the days to come.

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